Née d'une famille d'artisans fromagers de la Montérégie, Virginie est passionnée par la gastronomie du terroir. Suite à sa graduation en photographie au Collège Dawson, elle s'établit à Montréal. Elle y travaille en tant que photographe culinaire. En 2014, elle a remporté le prix Applied Arts - Young Blood.

Independent Spirits Co

Independent Spirits Co
Independent Spirits Co
Independent Spirits Co
Independent Spirits Co
Independent Spirits Co
Independent Spirits Co
Independent Spirits Co

Independent Spirits Co

As pleasing to the eye as they are to the palate, these spirits are like precious jewels, little treasures to be savored slowly. In this creative exploratory shoot, we’ve intentionally blended the aesthetics of luxury beauty and fragrance photography with the world of spirits and cocktails. This photo series brings spirits into a darker, moodier, and more polished visual universe.